好友被領養每天獨自「哭泣」 耳聾比特犬找到新家了!
▲棉花糖在好友史酷比被領養之後,總是傷心地抱着布偶低聲「哭泣」。(圖/翻攝自Unleashed Pet Rescue and Adoption粉絲專頁,下同)
美國堪薩斯州(Kansas)動物收容所「Unleashed Pet Rescue」的白色比特犬棉花糖,因爲好友被領養每天都孤單地哭泣。雖然棉花糖耳朵聽不見,但卻是一隻十分友善、可愛的狗狗,在好友被領養後不久,牠也找到了願意愛牠一輩子的新主人,跟着新主人坐上車子,牠還硬是要將頭擠出車窗像是在「道別」,開心的模樣讓網友十分感動。
This is heartbreaking... Marshmallow is crying and has been non stop since yesterday. Her roommate and best friend Scooby was adopted, she is very confused and sad. What she needs is a forever home to heal her heart. Marshy is a special girl with a special story, she is deaf. When we rescued her, she was very sick with parvo and left on a chain abandoned by her owners. She is truly a survivor but as you can see she is really needing love.Together we can find Marshmallow the perfect home, she is such a sweetheart. Can you open your heart and home to this beautiful fur baby...Please share this video!