簽名戰靴贈17歲罕病女球迷 杜蘭特:妳的故事鼓舞人心

Hey Brooke -I'm wearing these shoes tonight and will sign them and send to you after the game. You're an inspiration! Keep up the fight against CF!!

杜蘭特贈簽名戰靴。(圖/嵌入自Kevin Durant臉書


雷霆一哥肚蘭特(Kevin Durant)做愛心不落人後,日前才贈聖誕大戰戰靴給5歲癌童,10日再度化身「暖男」,將穿過的戰靴簽名贈予17歲罕病球迷,「你的故事鼓舞人心。」

17歲的沃科特(Brooke Wolcott)患有罕見疾病囊狀纖維化(Cystic Fibrosis),會造成分泌腺體器官功能異常,引發呼吸道感染。身爲雷霆隊忠實球迷,她上週在臉書PO文,盼杜蘭特能設計一款球鞋,喚起社會對囊狀纖維化的重視。



Ok folks this is a story near and dear to my heart! One of my most favorite patients EVER has a BIG wish! Brooke is 17...

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