「我要國家都是白人!」 她禮貌找座位被大媽嗆:你會被淘汰
▲白人女子對嗆貝穆德斯(圖右)。(圖/翻攝自臉書/Lennys Bermudez)
來自波多黎各的女子貝穆德斯(Lennys Bermudez)20日前往美國亞利桑那州1間餐廳,她禮貌詢問一位白人婦女,她是否可以坐在旁邊的位置。對方則是滿臉不屑並回嗆「我有選擇嗎」,之後甚至還說希望整個國家都是白人,不想要貝穆德斯靠近。
So this happened today. I hate to say the political climate is to blame for someone’s outrageous behavior, but I was visibly shaken today with this exchange. I simply asked the woman if I could sit down next to her while I waited for the car to charge. I noticed she was attentively reading her papers and wanted to be respectful and not interrupt. I asked, “ Would you mind if I sit next to you?” Seems pretty simple. That is when things got crazy!! Her reply, “Do I have a choice?” I was so shocked, I asked her to repeat it so I could see her face. Something in me said I should record it, too. Thank God I did! What you see next left me speechless... “You will be wiped out...trust me.” That was a threat! Fast forward...she was asked to leave the restaurant. The manager of the store that kicked her out also walked me to my car for safety. I know that the scars of racism run deep in this great country I love. Being Puerto Rican, I am a proud American ...and equally proud Puerto Rican . This lady was lucky my PR-ness didn’t come out!! I wish for a world for my children and my children’s children’s to never worry about this stuff...but then again, we are who we are. (For licensing or usage, contact licensing @ViralHog.com)