林書豪高中教練慧眼 早就買下「林來瘋」網站
點開網站,賣的都是林書豪的相關服飾,難道這是林書豪家人設的網站嗎?不是的,早在2010年7月10日,是由林書豪的高中教練斯萊頓(Drew Slayton)獨具慧眼買下,當年的慧眼讓這個網站一週來流量沖沖衝!
網站介紹寫着,「我們早就被診斷罹患末期『林來瘋』(terminally LinSane)。林書豪就讀巴羅艾託(Palo Alto)高中以來,我們就一直注意他的戰績,始終堅信他總有一天會成名,全世界會知道我們的林書豪狂熱。如果你和我們一樣林來瘋,這些林來瘋T恤(Linsanitees)是醫生開的處方。歡迎來到LinSanity.com,這是所有林來瘋的家。」(原文:Having long ago been declared terminally LinSane, we have followed Jeremy Lin’s career since his days at Palo Alto High School always firmly believing that his time would come and that the world would know our LinSanity. And, if you’re as truly LinSane as us, these TEES are just what the doctor ordered. Welcome to LinSanity.com… the home for all your LinSanitees.)
斯萊頓以電子郵件回答Guyism.com的提問,他表示林書豪全力拚搏,纔有今天的成就,這種「林來瘋」現象,他是當之無愧,並相信林書豪會紅遍全球!("Jeremy has worked his tail off to get where he’s at … and he definitely deserves the Linsanity. Jeremy is going GLOBAL!")
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